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Best Way Deal with Anxiety and Maintain a Balanced Personal Life

Stress and anxiety are two major consequences of overwhelmingly getting delved into something. Be it personal relationships, work, career or education everything that brings a challenge would most likely bring dozens of anxious phases. This, however, holds true mostly whenever one is finding tough to maintain a balance between work and life. “Loving what you do” is fine but it is more of a pep talk and one can’t implement it if one is overwhelmingly working for hours and hours without a break, right?

Most importantly, realize that you are not alone at this. There are so many people who are going through a phase similar to yours. You just need to find a balance amidst your stressful life and you’d find yourself at much peace. In this article, we are going to list down a couple of pointers that might help you create a balance between regular work and life. Let’s start!

1. Wake up early!

The most practical advice that someone could give you on how to start with balancing between the two horizons is to wake up early. Simple. Now, naturally, one would ask, what to do after waking up early – what’s the point, exactly? The point is to give yourself a “me” time. Exercise, run or play your favourite sport in the morning to keep yourself charged throughout the day or else imagine being a sleepyhead for the entire day. What’s your pick?

2. Talk to Yourself or Meditate:

Yes, I mean, literally talk to yourself. It would be odd at first but there’s no way one could find solutions if they wouldn’t bother to strike a chord with the root cause. Sit on the top of your terrace or in an open park, close your eyes and ask yourself – what’s bothering you? Y’know(short form of you know), the toughest of life problems can be dealt with while you evaluate them. It is just like a therapy which you must try. And even why not? It’s totally free and super effective.

Sometimes, the opposite works better. If you don’t feel like punching yourself hard with questions like what happened time and again, you need to find a way to stay calm for a significant period. Learn to meditate in order to find those peaceful 10 minutes in your busy life. It works wonders for your mental health.


3. Mind Your Business:

Working in a team teaches us to meddle in between things (not practically, but it’s just a part of human nature). The same way, when one overwhelms him with someone else’s problem at work, things start getting worse.

Know to draw a boundary between your stuff and other’s stuff. Now, don’t get it completely wrong by thinking to be selfish and not helping others at work – absolutely not. What this point basically tries to say is that one must know what to take responsibility for (hint: just for your own work).

4. Set Boundaries:

f you are career oriented, you would already know that bringing household chores to your office desk is just unethical. In plain yet simple words, it is just opposite to the code of conducts at work. Just the same way, your work problems should be encircled within the boundaries of your office desk/cubical/cabin. You must never mix the two lives of yours. Moreover, this also helps you give your 100% at whatever you do whether it is chilling at home or working in the office. Try it once and you will get a hang of it for sure.

5. Do NOT Deny it:

We are often in a dilemma when we feel anxious. Most of us don’t even get to the root cause of the situation and start ignoring it. Always remember, ignorance is NOT bliss in this case. There’s nothing wrong in feeling anxious and overwhelmed especially if you are running on a tight schedule. In order to find a balance between your work life and private life, the first step you need to take is to whole heartedly accept your situation.

6. Keep an Eye on Your Diet:

Surprise surprise, your body and mental health go hand in hand! You should always make sure that you are eating right as some edible things and act as stimuli to your panic attacks. For instance, you should (at any cost) avoid caffeine in your dietary intake in order to be sure of staying calmer.

7. Avoid Negative Things:

If you get anxious for no reason at all, you shouldn’t let yourself give more reasons to you to be in such state again. Avoid watching horror movies, late night strolling or any other negative thing that you know could affect your mental health adversely. Also, you should make sure to spend none to least time with reckless people or people who you think are toxic. Next time, when someone asks you for a late night show of a horror movie, you should give it a pass.