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Four career pillars

As we spend the majority of our day dedicated to work, it’s understandable that many individuals may feel dissatisfied with their careers.

 It’s important to recognize the value of our time and energy, and to ensure that we are fulfilled by the work we do.

Rather than live with frustration and discontentment, it’s worth reflecting on how we got to this point and what we can do to change it. We don’t wish to suggest that you don’t value your current profession, but rather that you may be seeking a more fulfilling path. 

If you are not satisfied with your career, perhaps it’s due to one or more of the four pillars that define it. We are here to offer guidance and support as you navigate this important decision.


1. Compensation :

As professionals, we understand that compensation plays an important role in recognizing the value of our work.

 However, if you feel that you are not being compensated in accordance with your skills and experience, it can be a motivating factor for dissatisfaction. 

This is not only about status or materialistic things, but about being valued and respected for your work. 

It is common to experience feelings of envy or frustration when a colleague with less experience receives better compensation. 

While we cannot change our colleague’s salary, there are other options to consider such as saving money or actively pursuing job opportunities that offer appropriate compensation levels.

 Furthermore, it is important to continue working hard to gain recognition from senior members of the team. Remember, being proactive and working towards achieving your goals is key to success in any professional environment.

2. Work :

It is not always possible to obtain everything we desire, particularly when it comes to our careers.

Often, we may have to make compromises between the type of work we want and our financial priorities. However, this can lead to us taking jobs that we dislike simply because the compensation is more significant. Within the entertainment industry, for example, many people pursue careers in singing, dancing, and acting, despite knowing that it can be tough to make a significant income. In such cases, individuals with a great deal of ambition may consider abandoning their dreams of specific career paths to chase high salaries. We would recommend considering a compromise between job satisfaction and financial compensation for a more fulfilling and less stressful career.

3. Lifestyle :

It is important to consider personal preferences and goals when choosing a career. Each individual has their own unique personality and lifestyle preferences. 

It is advisable to select a job that aligns with these characteristics and objectives. For instance, if travelling is not desirable, avoid applying for sales positions that may require frequent travel. It may appear obvious, but many individuals find themselves in unfavorable situations due to a lack of consideration of their lifestyle and personality. Even relocating to a different city can prove challenging for some individuals. Essentially, it is necessary to seek a job that enables one to live according to their preferences.

4. Contribution :

Everyone desires to feel significant and appreciated in their profession, regardless of external opinions. The desire to impact even a few people meaningfully is more important than altering the world or helping millions.

 Witnessing the joy in the eyes of those we empower is an irreplicable experience that propels us to continually strive for similar positions. For instance, a legal practitioner could leave a top-tier job to assist someone in need. Financial incentives and status are of little concern in such cases. Even a modest contribution can elicit contentment. If you are not obtaining such fulfilment in your job, philanthropy can still provide an avenue to feel essential.

How can you make a perfect career?

In today’s competitive world, it’s important to understand that achieving a dream career may not always be possible. However, with dedication and hard work, you can come close to achieving the perfect career for you. It’s not about intelligence or education, but rather your commitment to your chosen career path.

To start, it’s essential to create a realistic and achievable plan. You may want to share it with trusted friends and family for feedback. Then, it’s time to get to work. No job is too small, and every big accomplishment starts with small beginnings. Embrace setbacks and failures as opportunities to grow and improve.

In summary, it’s time to take action towards achieving success in your career. Don’t let anything stand in the way of your goals and aspirations. With determination and effort, you can build a fruitful career that brings you a sense of personal fulfillment and professional satisfaction.